Ok after a couple of days of rehab :) Im down to spread the word around.
it all started friday at Schiphol with
MLSS and meself.
Our big boy
BUST and his girl
ZAI were allready waiting for us at Basel airport, we went straight away to the atellier in the center. we did some chilling and some pre sketching for the SCHANZLI JAM, that would start just some hours away.
The idea was to make the whole wall full of polaroid frames, so everyone could take 1 or more frames to paint his/her thing in.
The jam was a big succes, it is a a reall underground jam, you could still feel the flow of the old days of graffiti. Also there were DJ's&MC's of
RAPPARTMENT also they brought some of the dopest breakers of SWISS.
Bust organised our cans, SPARVAR how old school, it was so nice. Writers who were painting on the orther sode of the wall could smell us :). Also it was our first time up with
When the sun went down we started up a great BBQ.
On sunday we took a break, just some sticker slapping in the city. We also checked out a gallery show behinde the central station woth some localguys, SHEZ also participated in the show. for those who dont know him, he is an XSTREETS painter.
the show was pretty cool.
in the week we painted several walls in the city. we did a HIP HOP wall at teh SOCA and a freestyle wall at the HOF of Basel.
On thursday we allready had to leave, what a shame tha time fys when you have fun.
I wann give my special LOVE and Thanks to BUST and ZAI, for organise evrything for us.