Last weekend I finished up a asignment I did for a new married couple. I made their wedding picture in to a 5 layer stencil on A3 size.
maandag 21 september 2009
Last weekend I finished up a asignment I did for a new married couple. I made their wedding picture in to a 5 layer stencil on A3 size.
maandag 14 september 2009
Groningen ART night !!
On Thursday after our plan landed on Schiphol I had to go to Groningen. Just a few hours after Basel I was allready painting in Groningen. With guys from HSVAB and Graphic Surgery I created a cool wall. The others were allready in full motion when I arrived. Butt 2 hours later I finished my part of the wall.
I had a good time. Thanks to the organisation and the other painters.
Check the pics.
Ok after a couple of days of rehab :) Im down to spread the word around.
it all started friday at Schiphol with KARMA83, SKATE, MLSS and meself.
Our big boy BUST and his girl ZAI were allready waiting for us at Basel airport, we went straight away to the atellier in the center. we did some chilling and some pre sketching for the SCHANZLI JAM, that would start just some hours away.
The idea was to make the whole wall full of polaroid frames, so everyone could take 1 or more frames to paint his/her thing in.
The jam was a big succes, it is a a reall underground jam, you could still feel the flow of the old days of graffiti. Also there were DJ's&MC's of RAPPARTMENT also they brought some of the dopest breakers of SWISS.
Bust organised our cans, SPARVAR how old school, it was so nice. Writers who were painting on the orther sode of the wall could smell us :). Also it was our first time up with SEIFREI
When the sun went down we started up a great BBQ.
On sunday we took a break, just some sticker slapping in the city. We also checked out a gallery show behinde the central station woth some localguys, SHEZ also participated in the show. for those who dont know him, he is an XSTREETS painter.
the show was pretty cool.
in the week we painted several walls in the city. we did a HIP HOP wall at teh SOCA and a freestyle wall at the HOF of Basel.
On thursday we allready had to leave, what a shame tha time fys when you have fun.
I wann give my special LOVE and Thanks to BUST and ZAI, for organise evrything for us.

I recently recieved a message in my mail of someone who found a piece of my FREE ART, of the FREE ART FRENZY we did a few weeks a go. The message made me so happy, I couldt recist to place it on the blog. so here it is including some pics.
Grtz IVES.
Hi Ivesone!
After working 7 years at an office, I decided to just follow my heart and to work with what i love; Music and wood (I make wooden instruments). and also immigrate to france (with my wife and my boy) to be more in nature.
Friday 14 august 2009 it finally was my last day of work. So after leaving the office for the last time, walking through amsterdam a bit euforic and deep in thought about the magic flow of life. I all of a sudden bump into your beautiful ART. Not really understanding why this painting is just on the street, looking for its owner and wondering why so many people just walk past without noticing it, I just stand there looking at it. After a while I look at the back and find the message!!!
WOW, its not only great that I enjoyed it on the streets, I am the lucky new owner!!! It seems so appropriate, I almost hear Yoda speaking to me: "feel the force!"....... And I do, I really do!! It feels like a gift from existence for following my heart. A magic circle between the artist, existence and the lucky finder (me !!!!!!!!)
I am extremly happy with it, and it represtents something very special for me, cannot thank you enough for spreading your great art on this magical way. Thanks so much
Love and greetingz,
donderdag 3 september 2009
woensdag 2 september 2009
Permanent expo in sneakerstore Hoorn
Sinec yesterday 2 local guys from Hoorn,NL. started there own sneaker store SOLA FIDA.
I will have a permanent expo with 2 canvasses in there store, 1 is allready there the second is comming later. Its still in progress.
I wish Kevin and Carlos a lot of succes with there dream. So if you wanna score some dope new sneakers Move your ass over to Hoorn, and buy some fresh Sneakers at SOLA FIDA.
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