My trip to London, started on Thursday in the morning. i was still sleepy when I arrived @ Waterloo station. I went straight to Leake street. just to check it out.
After a great day with my sister and niece, I met up with NINE-O.
straight back to Leake street, to paint my fisrt stencil in england.
Then I went to my man Finn, where i stayed for my days in London. Thanks BRO.
On friday I went on a litlle tour, true town to paint some streets stuff. i also went to GRAFIK GALLERY, for a visit. In had a great meeting over there. I did some paintings and I habg a canvas in the gallery. Also there will be a litlle SURPRISE soon. GRAFIK and IVES ?????
on Saturday me andf NINE-O went for a trip to Pompey (Portsmouth) to paint but the important thing was to hook up with my man FARK.
I painted on the hordings in the centre of Pompey.
On Sunday I went for a paint session at the footbvall stadium of Portsmouth. Wich was a great day. bit windey but hey we will manage.
Later I took the train back to London for the last night at Finns place.
Monday i did some studio work @ Finns place.
I had a great weekend.
I wanna Thank NINE-O, Finnbar and Fark for all the arrangements. You guys rock